Saturday, November 24, 2007


We had a little Thanksgiving feast here in the Daniel House, it was prepared by Elliot and Cassidy's Mums. It was great, we had one of our British History Professors and his wife and one of our neighbours. It was a great day, we got to take a day off from finals, but we did have to go to a concert and we had a final the next day.
We had lunch about 2, and after that we watched our group projects. The first day we got here we were divided into 3 teams of 6, and these teams have stuck for the semester. So we share a shelf in the fridge with your team, you do your group project with your team. Our group project was to make a movie/slideshow about the semester... sounds easy, but it means a lot of work, and most of it for one person. But we showed them today it was really fun, and great to be able to look back on all our memories together. I'm trying to load my group's on to Youtube so I can share it with you guys, because they mean a lot to us.
It was really weird to know that we had celebrated Thanksgiving, in a place that they don't celebrate it (thing about why we celebrate it). But really before anybody in the states celebrated it. We were having lunch as people were getting up to prepare your Thanksgiving feast. crazy I know.