Friday, June 5, 2009


ok so I know I've only been an official adult for about 6 months, but I would like to make a few statements about adulthood.

1. Adulthood is HARD. No one tells you how hard it is. There are decisions, that could alter the rest of your life, and you don't have any security when you make them.

2. As a single adult, it sounds great that you can go anywhere or do whatever. But it also is scary and some times it'd be nice to have someone to help you make your decision.

3. Life is filled with drama, we can't escape it. But I have to say, in my short 6 month experience I'd like to say I think the drama is worse as an adult than any other time. Maybe that is because you can blame it on being young or something before.

Also, this is a big decision but I think I'm looking to move back to Texas... my top cities are

San Antonio and Austin

then Houston and Dallas area.

If anyone knows people in these areas or lives there and has ideas of places I can send my resume and such to that'd be awesome. The people in these areas might be what freaks me out the most, so there it is.

I'm sure there is more to come. When I figure more out....


  1. Nate d said...

    You should talk to Aaron and bush about Austin stuff.

  2. CimA said...

    Houston, Houston, Houston...then you'd be close to me. :)