Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the clock keeps ticking

- I don't like that I've been Debbie Downer on Adulthood for the past few months.

- Time keeps going by and I keep not being sure what exactly I'm doing. I think doors are opening but as I move toward them or inside is there going to be a door slammed in my face. We shall see.

- I got an amazing phone call last week, that lead to an incredible interview, for my dream job. At least for now dream job. So we are playing the waiting game and learning yet again about patience one of life's hardest lessons I'm convinced.

- I've been really busy. I don't really know where all my "spare time" went but I would like just a little bit of it back. I do like being busy, it just doesn't leave much time for thinking about life decisions. (however this is good with the waiting game I'm playing currently)

- I have had some really encouraging conversations with people around me and in my life. They have made me even more thankful to know them and aware of how blessed I am.

- I went home to Texas, and I liked it. I loved being able to see all of the people in that community that have helped to raise me and shape me into who I am. I loved seeing the children, who's lives I got to shape and the fact that they remembered me was the icing on the cake. I met some new great people, that I would love to be able to sit and talk with. Which makes me wonder if a move to Texas and slightly closer to home would be good for me.

- I have been overcome by a strong desire and perhaps need to get myself out of this country again soon. To be back in Europe, and to be seeing and experiencing new things.

- And for the funny story of the day, My supervisor called me today and told me he needed me to go to "Sweet Daddy's". I didn't know what sweet daddy's was but he told me the part of town and my first reaction of this place is shady I think I'm already uncomfortable was becoming stronger. Then as he explains how to get there he tells me about a giant pig sign and says, "Sweet Daddy's" the BBQ joint is right past that. I was only mildly less concerned because who would eat at a place called "Sweet Daddy's"