Friday, July 11, 2008

camp life update

6 camps down, 3 to go.

It's all down hill now.

4 camps in 8 days, bring it on. 7000 campers, give me a challenge. Registering 220 churches in one day, any time.

There are moments during the summer when I ask myself why am I doing this. Why did I sign up for this for a 3rd time? When you are -100 beds for a camp.... thats a moment when this happens. Nametags, why would I put myself through that again. ;) But last night I got to sit in the middle of a room where God was at work in 7000 campers hearts, and I was given to opportunity to just sit and watch. And that was a moment for me where I simply said, "oh yeah! this is why I'm here."


  1. Anonymous said...

    Well said.