Friday, June 27, 2008

ryan started the fire!

Some times I just think a lot. I really want to go back to London. I miss it terribly. I just can't believe that I was give the opportunities that I was. One year ago, I was terrified of what was to come, yet terribly excited. I had yet to go to amazing places I'd only dreamed of. One year ago, I was planning what to pack, and what I had to buy, and how much I could do during the summer because I was saving. It was actually in Padre last year that I decided to order my camera that I would then be taken around the world, and would be attached to me for 4 incredible months.
How was I to know that 4 months with 18 amazing people would change my life. I didn't but OMG what I would do to get it back. This is also about the time that they emailed me my flight itinerary and it suddenly became real, registering for classes, a few meetings, paying, that all happens every semester... but getting a plane itinerary, knowing that on August 26th you are beginning an adventure in Europe, but that on Dec 10 you have to be back, makes it real.

Tonight, like a saint Justin came and took my place on camera during the sermon so I got to just sit and listen. I had no idea where they were looking in the Bible, I just kinda got to sit relax and listen to whatever I picked up. All of the sudden Greg has the students say,

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still."

and then they repeated it 2 more times. It got me a little bit. I'm not alone in battles, God will fight for me, its just hard to remember that some times. Although he shows it every time, and in every tough situation, he is there, I now just need to remember in those times, that "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." - Exodus 14:14
I've made some big decisions lately, there will be more on them to come. But I say that to say I couldn't have made them with out some of the amazing people that surround me this summer. Who knew that story time with Tiffany would lead to all this support? This is also the first summer that I've worked where people are actually awake in van rides instead of sleeping the entire way.... its fantastic.