Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh the Places You'll go

I've started the second week of school. My last semester. I think that means I'm supposed to have some answers, What's next? What do I want to do? But I don't. There are so many things I could do. So many passions I have, so many ways my gifts and talents could be used. But what do I do with all of that? I'm sure there is some way that it all will fit together and it will be magical. 

I caught myself thinking and complaining that there were so many options, so many things I could do. It made making a decision hard. And I had to stop myself and listen to what I was thinking. I was getting frustrated that I've been given so much. That I have options. It was so easy to complain, about this, about being given gifts and talents. Honestly I need to be thankful. Seriously. I had food to eat for dinner, some people don't have that. I have the resources, and a brain to go to school, and get an education, and I will get to continue my education... when I decide what I want to do. I get to make choices, some people only have one option, or maybe no option at all. 

Somewhere along my life, I was told, Attitude is a choice, I can choose to look at the bright side, and choose to be happy and thankful. Or I can not. But its my choice. So today, I'm choosing to be thankful for the resources, and options I have. 


  1. Jen Clapp said...

    I liked this post :) Let's hang out soon...