Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh the Bliss of Painting....

If that isn't happiness I don't know what is.

Step Sing is in full swing, I'm excited to learn our whole show and seeing it come together. I go through bitter sweet moments of wishing I was directing again and thanking Jesus I'm not.

Life at Samford, its weird... I see my London family some, and I'm working my way back into the lives of my friends I left behind in May. I'm trying to figure out balancing 16 hours that included the first half of my senior research, a job, step sing, and a social life. But being back more than anything makes it hard to believe London happened. Did some of the best months and times of my life really happen, has my semester abroad really come and gone. How is that possible? Am I seriously graduating in Dec and am supposed to know what I want to do with my life or have an idea of what I'm going to do after graduation.