Friday, February 20, 2009

This is what I learned about at work today.... Enjoy. I wonder what else I'm "too young" to know about. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New things

Lots of things are happening in my life, lots of new things. And now I shall bullet/list because I like that better right now. 

1. I miss being challenged to write out my thoughts in paper form and be critiqued by someone incredibly knowledgeable about the topic... aka college. I loved writing and I miss it. This might be where I do a lot of that

2. I have my first BIG GIRL JOB! Its such a weird thing. I'm ecstatic to begin this challenge and see how God uses me in this. I'm also terrified because I have no idea what to expect and have two weeks to just sit around and guess at what I'll be doing. Its going to be a challenging experience but I'm sure that I will learn a whole lot and be a better person for taking it on as well as helping in my way to make the world a better place and make someone's life a little bit better.

3. Stepsing happened this weekend, with out me on the stage. It was hard to watch and not jump on that stage. If you've met me you know my love for Stepsing and trust me, I tried to participate even though I graduated in Dec.  I love it. I have made so many wonderful friends and memories through it. Its a huge part of my Samford experience. 

4.  Being a grown up I think will be much more fun with a real job. Just being able to say I have a real job is making it better. 

5.  I love Jon and Kate plus 8. Right now they are letting the  8 help "paint" the basement. I think one of my dream jobs would be to be their Nanny. 

6.  Brittany my bestie was in town this weekend. It was wonderful. I really miss her being in my life daily.  

7.  I want to start reading more again. I usually don't get to read a whole lot because I'm reading for school, so this whole idea that I can read whatever I want, whenever I want is going to be great. But there is so much to read, I'm a little overwhelmed with where to start. 

8.  I want to go to Europe, I'd get on a plane and leave tomorrow if I could.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

you know that 25 things thing...

1. My favorite color is Pink. bright hot pink, not that disgusting light pink. I've always thought I'd be cool to have a pink car, I'd never do it, but secretly I want one. Pink, bug? ;) 

2. I love to read. I get lost in stories and they are so a part of my real life as I read them. 

3. I have the best friends in the world. I don't know what I would do with out them, or how I ever didn't know them. 

4. There is a giant stuffed Giraffe, named Bongo, sitting beside me right now. 

5. I don't eat red meat, the stuff makes me want to throw up in my mouth. 

6. For a short phase in my life I was tom-boyish. I refused to wear dresses, pink, or anything frilly. My how times have changed. 

7. My dream is to one day live in England. 

8. The travel bug inside of me is biting and needs to be fed. I must get out of the country soon. 

9. I used to have a duck named 'Cuh-cuh'. 'Cuh-cuh had a baby duck named 'Baby Cuh-cuh'. They are still to this day my favorite stuffed animal. Followed closely behind by my giant stuffed pink pig that i used to use as a pillow. 

10. I have a small obsession with Chai Lattes. I just can't help myself. 

11. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorite books. It was also the first "school assigned" book I ever read. Thanks Mrs. Click, I still have my 'foldable'. 

12. All I want to do with my life is help people and love on people. Therefore the question "what do you want to be when you grow up" is really hard for me. 

13. I've always wanted to join the Peace Corps, ever since Jessie talked about it on Saved by the Bell. 

14. I can't remember what life was like before I had a sparkle on my nose. I love it. 

15. Children aged 2.5 to 4 are my favorite age to work with. 

16. I love people, and meeting people. But I have a hard time actually making real friends. 

17. I met 17 of the most amazing people in my life when I boarded a plane for London, England. I never knew how much those 4.5 months would change my life and how much they would mean to me. 

18. It is my dream to retire from life one day and live in Manarola (Cinque Terre), Italy. 

19. Awkward men seam to love me and gravitate to me. I can't help this and I have no idea how to make it stop. 

20. I dearly love to laugh. 

21. I asked Santa to bring me a boy for Christmas, he didn't come through... maybe he didn't get my letter in time. 

22. I love mindless girly movies/ chick flicks.

23. It is my dream to adopt a child from every nation and have a United Nations of Children. Ok maybe not every nation but lots of them and still call them my "united nations of children." This is how I will accomplish world peace. 

24. I really really really wish World Peace were possible. 

25. Some times I like to imagine what my life would look life if I'd made a different decision or things had turned out differently. Like if I hadn't chosen Samford. Or if I hadn't lived in the house I did summer 2005. Or if I hadn't had a best friend growing up that looked like my twin and was also obsessed with O-town. If I hadn't out grown the tom-boy phase. I like my life as it is, its just fun to think about and wonder. 

26. I'm OCD (or CDO, if we're going alphabetical) I need for things to be in even numbers.