Saturday, January 19, 2008

so this is life...

I'm pretty sure any of you that were out there have long gone with my pathetic blogging skills and my internal debate is how I feel about this... a part of me says this is sad where has my public gone, but a larger part of me really likes it because it means i can put whatever I want up and most likely nobody is reading it and judging on your past participation levels it doesn't really matter because you won't comment.

I've now been in America for 1 month and 9 days. I can't believe it. It seems like it didn't happen, yet that it was a life time ago. And all I can find myself saying is "can I go back?"

My life these days basically consists of my walking class in the morning, yeah I just typed walking... and work, where I go on bear hunts, and am deprived of "cuddles". I'm trying to figure out my life in America, and get myself used to a schedule and a life that consists of running constantly from 8 to 5 or maybe even 11. I'll get there some day. It is my last week of Jan Term, and freedom, this is kinda scary. I am ready for people to come back and that life, only at the same time not. These are people I once knew and who once knew me, but is that still true? only time will tell. My return to America has shaken my world as I knew it slightly, which is a good thing but hard. I really am a different person now than when I left, and thats hard to step back into relationships with. Basically because of all of this relationships and life and people confuse me, this is fun... NOT!

Tonight I got pulled over by a cop for "yielding too much" whatever that means oh and going "under the speed limit". And because he realized that I had not broken a single law but he had pulled me over, I got a warning for not having my registration, this is because I had no idea what he was talking about I later found out this is a sticker on my car, so I did have it. So if I get pulled over in the next month I get a ticket because I got pulled over when I did not break a law and got a bogus warning. I also got a mini lecture on taking control and being in charge of the situation with a cop, because I told him he was making me nervous which is why I kept slowing down. I didn't want to get pulled over so I was trying to go the speed limit, which I wasn't positive on what it was. my life is awesome. my life is drama.